The Springboard Project

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  • Everyone Learning
    • Curriculum

      All pupils and students will access a personalised and bespoke curriculum offer. Our curriculum principles encompass:

      a high quality, cutting edge alternative curriculum which will have dynamic, flexible programmes of study that focus around key skills adapted to students’ needs and levels. This includes working with key curriculum advisors and leads within the trust to ensure that students have a range of courses that are appropriate and challenging. This will also include links to mainstream provisions or feeder schools and colleges if appropriate.

      • Functional Skills up to GCSE and GCSE equivalent qualifications in English, Numeracy, Computing, Multimedia and PE. In addition to these qualifications, Springboard Project will begin to build students’ portfolios using individual skills and talents through recognised accreditation providers such as Open Awards and Edexcel to ensure young people have a portfolio (with currency) ready for their next steps into employment, volunteering and playing their part in the community.
      • The opportunity to access high quality ‘community ‘qualifications; Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, Emergency First Aid and others to enrich and enhance students’ skills in the wider community.
      • Established links to real life through the world of work using our unqiue employability pathways called ‘Preparing for Working Life’ and ‘Experiencing Working Life’.
      • small group teaching.
      • individualised pathways based on early recognition of ability through an assessment framework. Pupils and students will also have access to other pathways available within the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) ensuring all students have defined routes with personalised interventions.
      • high expectations of individuals linked to aspirational adult outcomes for all our pupils and students.
      • an ethos of self-respect, self-worth and independence through a high quality staff team and complete ‘student focused’ curriculum and non–curricular activities such as residentials, trips, enrichment activities and community work.
      • an inclusive environment for pupils and students with EHCPs.
      • academy freedoms to ensure flexibility of provision.
      • provision of support services to the families of our pupils and students and to other schools.

      We aim to offer a high quality, inspirational education that empowers pupils and students and has clearly defined destinations and goals around ‘key’ aspects:

      • educational attainment
      • vocational skills
      • employability
      • learning for independent life

      To ensure the Springboard Project is financially healthy, we will ensure the Director of Finance for the MAT liaises with the Head of Site to ensure there is capacity for:

      • growth in student numbers
      • capacity of staff – we will share staff (and curriculum leads) from other parts of the MAT where necessary. Through the teaching school, we will also offer training and development for all our staff to ensure they have the knowledge to deliver an outstanding curriculum that meets and challenges the needs of our learners
      • movement of students to specialised pathways and pre-employability pathways
      • resourcing the latest technology to enhance and motivate our learners
      • any changes to the building required to meet the needs of our learners

      Business, premises and HR teams across the MAT will fully support the Springboard Project through its growth and development, providing experience and guidance where required.

      The Springboard Project provides education for pupils in key stages 4 and 5. We will provide a weekly timetable of almost 25 hours per week, broken down into 30 teaching periods. Our diverse offer will be:

      Employability will be taught weekly whereby learners will learn and develop their subject knowledge of Employability. Students will develop their knowledge about job hunting and career progression, how to write CVs, what skills are required for different job roles. This is taught from KS4 Preparing for Working Life to support them in KS5 when students move to Experiencing Working Life.

      Students will study an array of PSHE topics taught using a variety of methods including using a diverse range of teaching styles to prepare them to become we rounded young people.

      Physical Education
      The Entry Level Certificate in Physical Education is 100% internally assessed, with the focus of the course being on the performer and on performance. Learners will access a wide range of activities both on-site and off-site. This practical and engaging course ensures an inclusive specification that will allow all students to achieve their potential.

      Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
      Students will follow the award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections – Volunteering, Physical, Skills, and Expedition. For Gold, a fifth section will be covered – Residential.

      Vocational (Food Industry, Animal Care Digital and Fitness)
      Students will be offered a vocation that interests them. Pathways in Food Industry, Animal Care, Digital and Fitness will run and students will follow a scheme of work to gain accreditation.

      Literacy and numeracy provision – including provision for literacy recovery
      Students follow the Edexcel Functional Skills and Entry Level Functional skills accreditation. Literacy recovery is approached through the following provisions: Rapid Plus, reciprocal reading, Literacy Planet and Spellzone. We have access to one-to-one provision through the Trust which uses the Hickey Multi-sensory Approach.

      Students will be entered for the AQA 5930 Entry Level Certificate and Edexcel Functional Skills. White Rose mastery schemes of learning will be implemented across all key stages, these schemes will allow students to focus more on number as this has a higher proportion in the accreditation that we offer our students. The schemes focus on giving the students mathematical life skills for when they leave school. We also use a range of interactive software to engage the students, including Hegarty Maths, Maths Workout and TT Rockstars.

      Enrichment Programme
      The Springboard Project enrichment programme will be personalised and will be delivered by all staff. It will take the form of:
      ~ interventions
      ~ before and after-school club
      ~ holiday clubs
      ~ residential experiences at Year 11 and Year 13
      ~ regular outdoor educational visits and experiences
      ~ visits to the workplace and working environments

      ICT to improve learning
      Students will engage in a variety of computing topics using Microsoft and Apple products. Springboard Project will use state-of-the-art equipment and resources to engage them in the subject. Students will work towards the WJEC ICT Entry Pathways accreditation. The WJEC accreditation allows students to gain a more practically based ICT education. In addition, other technological learning resources will include:
      ~ 1:1 iPad scheme to support engagement
      ~ simulator with software such as fork lift truck training as a motivation to learn
      ~ Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology
      ~ Green screen/animation etc.